
Invited talks, podcasts, media, and presentations

In reverse chronological order:

  • Wir sprechen mit einem KI-Roboter
    In: Interview mit Andrea, Marcel Heisler und mir für SWR1 Radio 27.01.2024
  • Robotik-Experte bei der Diskussionsrunde zum Film "Ich bin Dein Mensch"
    In: Filmabend im Stadtteilhaus Neugereut, moderiert von Bezirksvorsteher Ralf Bohlmann 13.10.2023
  • Vortrag zu Japanaufenthalten mit Förderung der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, des DAAD und der JSPS
    In: JSPS-Abend 2023 mit Feier des 50-jährigen Jubiläums der Zusammenarbeit der JSPS mit der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung und dem DAAD, 29.08.2023
  • GA #1157 Prof. Dr. Christian Becker-Asano
    Official Website
    In: Media Tasting 2023 by Apfel Programm Marketing Im Wizemann, Stuttgart, 22
  • Menschenähnlich, aber geschlechtsneutral
    In: Robotik und Produktion, Frauke Itzerott 29
  • Androide Andrea bezirzt die ganze Hochschule
    In: Zeitungsartikel in den Stuttgarter Nachrichten,  
  • Künstliche Intelligenz - Stuttgarter Forscher testen Roboter "Andrea"
    In: SWR Aktuell Radio, Stefan Eich im Gespräch mit Christian Becker-Asano, 7.12.2022
    Official Website
  • Der androide Roboter ist da
    In: Robotik in der Industrie, Podcast, Robert Weber, October 2022
    Official Website

  • AI and Us – what artificial intelligence means for our lives
    In: ten-part podcast, Alexander von Humboldt foundation, March 2022
    Official Website
  • KI und Wir - Was künstliche Intelligenz für unser Leben bedeutet
    In: Zehnteilige Podcast-Reihe, Alexander von Humboldt foundation, Januar 2022
    Official Website - Podcast
  • Social Robots as Social Agents
    In: ComLab#4: Smart New Worlds – How AI, Robotics and Digitalisation Transform Our Lives, Alexander von Humboldt foundation workshop series, November 2021
    Official Website
  • AI & Gaming - from research to application
    In: AI & Gaming, Entrepreneurship Series, Cyber Valley virtual event, September 2021
    Official Website
  • KI und Elon Musks humanoider Roboter
    In: Folge 112, Audio podcast: KI in der Industrie 4.0, September 2021
    Official Website
  • Digitale Kompetenzen in der Pflege
    In: "Pädagogische Fachtagung – Pflegepädagogik im Dialog", Irmgard-Bosch-Bildungszentrum, Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus, Stuttgart, Germany, June 2021
    Official Website
  • Artificial Intelligence applied to socially interactive systems – from virtual to robotic humans.
    In: "Beyond human capabilities: How do Cybernics and AI will change human physical limits", The 3rd symposium on Ph. D program in Humanics, University of Tsukuba, Japan, December 2020
    Official Website
  • Vorstellung Prof. Dr. Christian Becker-Asano
    In: "HORADS 88,6 Uni-Radio der HdM", Audio podcast der Hochschule der Medien, Stuttgart, June 2020 (German)
    Part 1 - Part 2
  • Vorausgeblickt - Was wäre, wenn Roboter für uns in die Hochschule gehen würden?
    In: "Freie Digitale", Audio podcast der Hochschule der Medien, Stuttgart, May 2020
    Official Website
  • AI und Logistik
    In: "DISRUPT NOW! AI for Hamburg", Hammerbrooklyn.Box, Hamburg, November 2019
    Official Website and in the news
  • KI in der mobilen Robotik für die Industrie 4.0
    In: VDI-Konferenz “Künstliche Intelligenz”, Berlin, October 2019
    Official Website
  • Über den Einsatz von KI in der mobilen Robotik bei Bosch
    In: Folge 4 “Der KI Werkzeugkasten”, Audio podcast: KI in der Industrie 4.0, March 2019
    Official Website
  • ActiveShuttle als Helfer in der Industrie 4.0
    In: VDI-Event “Robotik für die Smart Factory”, Kongresszentrum Baden-Baden, December 2018
  • KI im Einsatz bei autonomen Robotern in der Industrie 4.0
    In: Tagung Autorecht 2018, University of Bielefeld, September 2018
    Official Website
  • Emotionssimulation für virtuelle und robotische Agenten
    In: Science Cinema, commenting on “Inside Out”, University of Bielefeld & Filmkunsttheater Bielefeld, August 2017
  • Kollege Roboter
    In: Human Ressources Magazin, Ausgabe 01/2016, "Arbeit 4.0", Januar 2016
    Online article
  • Humanoid Robots in Germany and Japan: the Future of Consumer Electronics?
    In: "Asa no Kai" Japanese-German breakfast meeting, Deutsch-Japanischer Wirtschaftskreis (DJW), Grandhotel Hessischer Hof, Frankfurt am Main, November 2016.
    Official Website (invited talk)
  • Emotionssimulation für virtuelle und robotische Agenten
    In: Science Cinema, "Inside Out", University of Bielefeld & Filmkunsttheater Bielefeld, October 2015.
    Official Website (invited talk)
  • Friends by Design: Androids and humanoids
    In: Workshop "Active Friends and Friendly Actions", University of Hamburg, February 2014.
    (invited talk)
  • Computational emotions for social agents
    In: Workshop "AI, logic, and epistemic planning", Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2013.
    Official Website (invited talk)
  • Emotionssimulation mit WASABI für virtuelle und robotische Agenten
    In: Institutskolloquium, Institut für Psychologie, Ernst Moritz Arndt Universität, Greifswald, Germany, June 2013.
    (invited talk)
  • Emotions in Android Science and Social Robotics: Why and how?
    In: Workshop "Applications for Emotional Robots", in conj. with HRI2013, Tokyo, Japan, March 2013.
    Official Website (invited talk)
  • Emotionsmodellierung und androide Roboter
    In: Workshop "Towards a Smart Virtual Worker", "Virtual Humans" research group, TU Chemnitz, Germany, February 2013.
    Official Website (invited talk)
  • To help or not to help: On strategic behavior in virtual emergencies
    In: SFB/TR8 Colloquia, SFB/TR 8, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany, November 2012.
    (invited talk)
  • Android robots and feelings
    In: Robotik und Gesetzgebung, ZiF Bielefeld, Germany, May 2012.
    Official Website (invited talk)
  • Social Robotics
    In: Interdisciplinary College 2012 , Heinrich-Luebke-Haus, Günne am Möhnesee, Germany, March 2012.
    slides (pdf) (special lecture)
  • Computational modeling of emotions
    In: Semantics and Syntax: A Legacy of Alan Turing, Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series, Cambridge, UK, March 2012.
    Official Website (with slides (pdf) and video recording of my invited talk)
  • Computing affect with WASABI, sensing affect for android robots, and eliciting affect in virtual emergencies
    In: LIMSI-CNRS, University of Paris Sud, France, November 2011.
    Official Website (invited talk)
  • To help or not to help: On strategic behavior in virtual emergencies
    In: Sociable Agents Group, University of Bielefeld, Germany, August 2011.
    Official Website (invited talk)
  • Affective Computing and Android Science in Japan
    In: Cognition & Interaction Lab, University of Skövde, Sweden, March 2011.
    Official Website (invited talk)
  • Affective Computing with and for virtual agents and android robots
    In: Swiss Centre for Affective Sciences, Geneva, Switzerland, December 2010.
    Official Website
    (invited talk)
  • Facial animation for virtual and robotic agents
    In: 13th European Conference on Facial Expression, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, July 2010.
    (invited talk)
  • Affective Computing
    In: Interdisciplinary College 2010 , Heinrich-Luebke-Haus, Günne am Möhnesee, Germany, March 2010.
    Official Website (special lecture)
  • Socially interactive humanoids and androids
    In: Kolloquium, TU Munich, Faculty of Informatics, Munich, Germany, February 2010.
    Official Website (invited talk)
  • Socially interactive humanoids and androids
    In: Kolloquium, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Faculty of Engineering, Freiburg, Germany, February 2010.
    Official Website (invited talk)
  • Laughter in social robotics with humanoids and androids
    In: SFB-Kolloquium (SFB/TR 62), Ulm University, Ulm, Germany, August 2009.
    Official Website - Slides (pdf) (invited talk)
  • Wo Wissenschaft & Fiktion sich treffen: Über Forschung mit humanoiden Robotern im Land der aufgehenden Sonne
    In: Studien- und Berufsorientierung an den Friedrich-von Bodelschwingh-Schulen in Bethel, Gymnasium Bethel, Bielefeld, Germany, August 2009.
    Official Website - Slides (pdf) (talk & lecture)
  • Laughter in Interaction with Humanoids and Androids
    In: CoR-Lab seminar, Research Institute for Cognition and Robotics - CoR-Lab, Bielefeld, Germany, March 2009.
    Official Website (invited talk)
  • Emotions & Laughter for Robots and Androids
    In: JSPS's Science Dialogue Program, Kakogawa Higashi High School, Hyogo prefecture, Japan, January 2009.
    Official Website - Slides (pdf) (talk & lecture)
  • Simulating affective processes for autonomous agents: the WASABI architecture
    In: Cognitive Neuropsychiatry and Affective Neuroscience seminar, Department of Neuropsychiatry, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Japan, January 2009.
    Official Website - Slides (pdf) (invited talk)
  • Emotion Simulation for a Virtual Human: Implementing the "As-If" Body-Loop in a Cognitive Architecture
    In: Seminar on Virtual Agents, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan, April 2007.
    Official Website - Slides (pdf) (invited talk)
  • Emotion modeling for social robots
    In: How to build Social Robots, Faculty of Technology, Bielefeld, Germany, November 2006.
    Official Website - Slides (pdf) (lecture)