VR videos

Videos of my Virtual Reality-related work.

Multiagent Systems & Games videos

Unity3D and Multiagent Systems:

1. My Master student Felix Ruzolli and I have implemented a 3D airport passenger simulation in Unity3D in 2013:

2. My Master student Jan Mortensen integrated my emotion simulation architecture WASABI in the 3D airport passenger simulation in Unity3D in 2014:

WASABI's UPD interface is used to connect it with Unity3D bidirectionally. The emotions of 500 agents are simulated with an update once per second from WASABI to Unity3D. The opposite direction is updated asynchronously with valenced impulses, triggers, and changing the dominance values of single agents. Check this for some background information on how WASABI works.

MARC & ACT-R videos

"The virtual human of the MARC framework as a teacher in an ACT-R-based tak":

In 2012 the Master student Philip Stahl realized a combination of a MARC agent with WASABI and ACT-R:

This paper describes the results of the empirical study.

Virtual emergency videos

Cove: Coping with virtual emergencies (@Freiburg University):

At FRIAS (Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies)

Demo video, April 2011, 1:54 minutes:

Subject 19, Juli 2011, 3:35 minutes:

The virtual human MAX videos

Virtual Human Max, 2003 - 2008 @Bielefeld University:

  • "WASABI Affect Simulation for Agents with Believable Interactivity"
    June 2008, 3:27 minutes

  • "Empathic Max in Tokyo"
    May 2005, 1:40 minutes

  • "Report about MAX on ARTE"
    November 25, 2003, 5:19 minutes